Curating Radical Bodies (2012-2016)

Curatorial Projects: From 2012 to 2015, I created three annual exhibitions for the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives (CLGA) in Toronto. These focused on representational strategies used by and of different groups at different periods in LGBT+ history, including lesbians living in Toronto during the 1950s to 80s, activists in the early years post-Stonewall, and diasporic communities in the Toronto area and the global north/south. The exhibitions allowed me to explore creative and challenging forms of curatorial practice that echoed the diversity of representational practices under consideration. All these exhibitions were supported by the Toronto Arts Council and other granting bodies. The catalogue for the last show was published in June 2014, and will become part of an digital outreach and education project that is in progress.

1. “Imaging Home: Migration, Resistance, Contradition,” June 22-Sept 28, 2014, CLGA, Toronto.